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  • Writer's pictureFour Paws One Heart Inc.

What to do when you find a pet

A step-by-step guide of the actions you should take when you find a lost pet.

1. If you can, take the pet into your yard, car or stay with them. Do not attempt to approach any animal that does not appear friendly!

2. Call the Non-Emergency # for dispatch of ACO or an officer (For Denton County dispatch, call 972-434-5500 and select option 9).

3. You'll want to have the following information ready for the dispatcher: a description of the dog/cat including size, color, approximate age, if it's wearing a color or has tags, etc. and the cross streets where you last saw the dog/cat (or where you are located, if you were able to coax the pet to a yard or car with you).

4. Take a photo, if you can.

5. Contact Four Paws One Heart with the information so it can also be posted. Include any details from Step #3 and the photo(s) so the animal can be shared to Facebook and cross posted on local sites as soon as possible.

  Text: Susan Edstrom at 817-647-5771.

Facebook: Message us on our Facebook page here.

Email: Susan Edstrom at

6. You can also post a Found Pet sign, even if you were not able to capture the dog/cat. Our friends at Texas Pet Detectives Association recommend this to help pet parents who may be looking for their lost fur child.


Click here to download our complete guide, which includes contact information for area shelters and vets, to-do's to ensure your pet can be identified if they go missing and more.

Paws up!


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