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Summer Safety: Avoid putting your pet at risk with these tips for fireworks, cars and heatstroke

Writer's picture: Four Paws One Heart Inc.Four Paws One Heart Inc.

July 4th is upon us and with it the summer heat of Texas. So today, I want to focus on three areas of safety: fireworks, cars and heatstroke.


The risk of someone setting off a firework in their yard starts around July 1, and runs about 5-6 days past Fourth of July celebrations. In incorporated areas, fireworks are illegal; in an unincorporated areas they may not be restricted.

  • Don’t take your dog to a firework display. I know I know, you hate to leave them home alone. Did you know? Most dogs don’t go out in the rain not because of getting wet, but the noise of the rain hitting the ground. So multiply that by the loud booms of a firework display. Most dogs do not like it!

  • If you will be gone anytime over these dates, do not leave your dog or cat outside. The noise may cause them to bolt in fear. They could become disoriented and hurt themselves trying to get out of a fenced yard or trying to get back inside.

  • Leave your pets indoors for their safety. Create a safe place for them. Play soft rock. Soft rock is better than classical music as the high and lows of classical music can be discomforting. If your dog is used to being crated, crate them and cover the crate for additional comfort.

  • If you have a pet sitter, make sure they know these tips and ask them to create this safe space for your pets as well.

  • Make sure microchip details are current and collars and tags are on and up to date.


  • Don't leave your dog in the car - ever! We see it every summer. A dog, a child, a senior citizen gets left in a car and dies as a result.

  • Trust me, your dog will be fine at HOME while you run to the bank, the grocery store or do that “quick” errand. They will not, however, be fine if left in the car. At 80-100 degrees, your car could be well over 125 degrees or more in just 10 minutes.

  • If you see a dog in a car, call the non-emergency number of the local police department or 911, if the dog (or person in the car) is in distress. Be their voice!

Heatstroke & Paws

  • When it’s hot, take precautions and keep your dog safe. Walk in the mornings and evenings when it’s cooler. Find a route with shade so the concrete is not as hot.

  • Feel the sidewalk/street before walking. If you pull your hand back, it’s probably too hot for Fido. At a temp of 77 degrees, asphalt or concrete can be higher than 125 degrees.

  • Know the signs of heat stroke. Short snouted dogs are at greater risk in the heat so be extra cautious if you own one. Watch for signs of excessive panting, staggering, disorientation, or throwing up.

  • Get the dog out of the heat, into shade or into your home. Do not apply ice – wet cool towels should be used. Offer ice chips. Call or get your dog to a vet immediately.


Meet Lolli - also affectionately known as Lollipop! She had four beautiful babies around Easter and as of this writing they will all be ready for homes – so that means she is, too. She is approximately 15 months old (a baby herself) and she is a beautiful brown tabby. Lolli will do best in a home that has older children because she’s still a bit shy. She will need a family that will give her the space and time to get to know them.

If you’d like to meet Lolli or any of the many adoptable kittens in our rescue, contact me at

Paws up!


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